Tenancy Agreement Made Simple

now you can 

customize Tenancy Agreement

in Minutes from the 

Comfort of your OFFICE/ home

We offer significant benefits for Real Estate Negotiators and landlords alike. By moving away from traditional paper-based agreements and adopting a digital solution, both parties can enjoy improved efficiency, security, and convenience.

 Easily create and send customized agreements to landlord and their tenants electronically. This process is faster and more streamlined than traditional paper agreements, as there is no need to physically print, sign, and scan documents. 

Tenants and landlord can sign the agreement digitally, making the process more convenient for all.

 Digital agreements are also more secure than paper agreements, as they can be encrypted and password-protected to ensure that only authorized parties have access to the document. This can help protect sensitive information, such as personal and financial details, from falling into the wrong hands.

 You can also keep better track of the documents, as they can be stored securely in the cloud and easily accessed whenever needed. This can help to reduce the risk of losing or misplacing important documents.

 Moreover, the agreements can be easily updated and amended as required, which can help to save time and money by avoiding the need to create and sign new paper agreements every time a change is required.

 With improved efficiency, security, and convenience, it is a smart choice for anyone looking to streamline the rental process.

Tenancy Stamping Duty Calculator 

Why get your tenancy agreement from ProTenancy?

Agreement prepared by lawyer according to current local, state and federal laws of Malaysia

E-signature that is legally accepted in Malaysia

Safe keeping of agreement

OUR Services:

RM19 only

RM29 Only


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